Meet our employees
Meet Nikolai Rud who works at Mybanker & Lendo in Denmark and has been with the company since 2019. He started off working in the customer service team and today he is part of the Business Analyst team. He tells us about his career journey that he appreciates getting the opportunity to do. In this short interview you will learn more about Nikolai, his role and why he thinks working at Mybanker & Lendo Denmark offers the best from both worlds.🌟
Hi Nikolai, for how long have you worked at Mybanker and Lendo Denmark?
– I started at Lendo in 2019, time flies! Since 2022 I have worked for both Lendo Denmark and Mybanker since the two companies work very closely in Denmark.
What is your current role?
– I work as a Business Analyst. That includes many exciting tasks, every day! My primary focus is to maintain and develop our Business Intelligence platform.
Beside that, my role is focussed on business development, where I support all other departments in the company.
You have done a journey within Lendo changing position, tell me more about your Lendo journey?
– I started as the first, let’s say “customer service and sales guy” in the Danish department. I really enjoyed my time working in the customer service team since it gave me a unique opportunity to get to know Lendo from a customer perspective. Then in 2021 I became a Partner Manager with a primary focus to improve the relationship with all our bank partners and a small handful of marketing partners.
And now, since 2023 I am a Business Analyst, with broad knowledge about the rest of the company, and how each department works and contributes to our overall success.
What is the best thing now being a part of the Business Analyst team?
– I think the most exciting part of my position is that I get the opportunity to work with all the departments, and help them with data-driven decisions. Also, my role is very explorative, which means that I can investigate processes and way-of-working in depth, and try to find areas where we can improve.
Any particular memories in Lendo that would be interesting to share?
– My first job interview! The CEO showed me a picture of his new pair of skis, before he introduced himself. It made me think “I want to work here. Now”. I loved the relaxed and friendly environment.
What do you appreciate about working in Mybanker & Lendo Denmark overall?
– I think the best thing about working in Mybanker & Lendo Denmark is that I get the best of both worlds. On the one hand, I am a part of a big organisation with so many resources, and on the other hand, I work in a scale-up company, waking up every day knowing: I will learn something new today.